Wake Up and Smell the Poetry; 46 photos;
HCAM Television; Hopkinton, MA;
January 20, 2018
Host: Cheryl Perreault
Lauren Passarelli & Kate Chadbourne (feature)
Len Lipner
Dan Tappan
Trisha Knudsen
Deborah Strafuss
Chris Lee
Nancy Kouchouk
Ed Banatt
Bill Banatt
Libby Franck
Woody Carpinella
Penny Post
Leah Raczynski
Tom Smith
Betsy Binstock
Cynthia Franca
Viraj Sikand
Norm Schneider
Abbey Perreault
Amanda Maffei
Thank you, Dan! These are wonderful and a great reminder of such a warm and inspiring gathering. Thank you for sharing your gift!