Darrell Scott; 5 photos;
Bull Run Concert Series; Shirley MA;
August 16, 2019
Darrell Scott; 5 photos;
Bull Run Concert Series; Shirley MA;
August 16, 2019
Ellen Schmidt’s Open Mike; 56 photos;
Sargent Memorial Library; Boxborough MA;
August 5, 2019
The Lounge Stage at Falcon Ridge; 71 photos;
Falcon Ridge Folk Festival; Hillsdale NY;
August 1, 2019
The Brother Brothers; 8 photos;
Burren Backroom Series; Somerville MA;
July 31, 2019
Rushad Eggleston; 11 photos;
Club Passim; Cambridge, MA;
July 28, 2019
Tim Gearan; 10 photos;
Club Passim; Cambridge, MA;
July 27, 2019
Greg Klyma; 7 photos;
Club Passim; Cambridge, MA;
July 25, 2019
Sarah Eide; 5 photos;
Club Passim; Cambridge, MA;
July 25, 2019
Bumper Jacksons; 15 photos;
Club Passim; Cambridge, MA;
July 20, 2019
Sub Rosette; 21 Photos;
Lizard Lounge; Cambridge, MA;
July 17, 2019